Ranking by Statistics

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Total: 100 registro(s)

Ranking by Statistics 0.0226s.

Pos Nick Level Exp %PangYa HIOs Albas Guild +Shot +Chip-In +Putt-in
41º MF(e37)C"yhronosS Mestre C 2573 91.9% 993 248
Does not have guild
536.50y 389.80y 41.38y
42º TDK85(e29)DIGAS Mestre D 217 93.8% 1636 249
Does not have guild
520.89y 381.35y 43.72y
43º DiNo(e40) Mestre D 849 89.1% 1087 252
Does not have guild
478.29y 389.73y 38.61y
44º MF(e37)MaDruGa Jungle III 11479 95.5% 1683 257
Does not have guild
583.55y 423.35y 79.37y
45º Sky_Zero(e45) Top Master C 7127 85.9% 1034 258 571.72y 403.62y 38.13y
46º P13RR3(cool) Mestre E 7549 92.1% 1270 262
Does not have guild
584.05y 377.58y 56.91y
47º (e40)DfiNfaof(e40) Legend V 1471 94.5% 1002 269
Does not have guild
583.69y 423.36y 35.50y
48º MoKa(e52) Mundial D 7438 92.4% 1208 273
Does not have guild
561.20y 428.26y 33.48y
49º RD(e68)Mayckon(R) Mestre B 7082 95.7% 927 278
Does not have guild
570.18y 377.62y 39.88y
50º (e29)Bebado(e55) Top Master D 5272 89.6% 939 280 461.57y 403.49y 44.45y
51º (e51)Erick(e52) Mundial C 663 81.6% 448 283
Does not have guild
575.97y 370.81y 35.08y
52º MF(e37)lbuiz^1(R) Jungle V 10026 93.8% 1334 292
Does not have guild
475.94y 421.93y 31.62y
53º X"ogum Top Master B 1408 96.1% 1693 302
Does not have guild
468.50y 407.76y 42.70y
54º TheGooD(e63) Mundial E 1880 91.9% 924 313
Does not have guild
573.53y 385.34y 25.27y
55º (e36)PaiN^1(R) Jungle I 33367 95.9% 1780 319
Does not have guild
553.80y 381.45y 64.23y
56º N`o'OB(e67)(e54) Mundial D 6636 92.6% 1800 321
Does not have guild
487.89y 421.91y 37.63y
57º allanXandressaS2 Mundial A 2531 87.4% 707 338
Does not have guild
512.75y 379.20y 44.11y
58º (e44)w1k3p(e44) Top Master C 95 92.7% 1446 359 460.16y 423.43y 44.88y
59º MF(e37)T"yheus'(R)f Top Master B 7790 91.1% 1597 366
Does not have guild
558.36y 421.90y 70.88y
60º 19th(e29)SteelL Jungle V 22415 93.9% 1620 369 541.57y 423.37y 34.76y

Total: 100 registro(s)