Ranking by Statistics

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Total: 100 registro(s)

Ranking by Statistics 0.02s.

Pos Nick Level Exp %PangYa HIOs Albas Guild +Shot +Chip-In +Putt-in
41º MF(e37)MaDruGa Jungle III 11479 95.5% 1683 257
Does not have guild
583.55y 423.35y 79.37y
42º MF(e37)C"yhronosS Mestre C 2573 91.9% 993 248
Does not have guild
536.50y 389.80y 41.38y
43º MF(e37)lbuiz^1(R) Jungle V 10026 93.8% 1334 292
Does not have guild
475.94y 421.93y 31.62y
44º MALBORO(e37) Mundial D 5832 81.5% 703 80 481.26y 370.78y 41.26y
45º Lfukkalu_(R)(e52)f Legend IV 104974 96.0% 6807 1640
Does not have guild
643.53y 423.39y 61.37y
46º LfiKa(e27)(R)f Mundial B 6414 95.2% 1089 438
Does not have guild
576.81y 359.99y 41.71y
47º kuase Legend V 48856 98.4% 5156 1128 543.10y 423.44y 35.90y
48º JP(e63)Medusa Mundial D 8339 92.8% 264 419
Does not have guild
638.74y 334.52y 42.19y
49º JP(e32)RFelix Legend III 159990 98.1% 20188 3933 643.91y 458.22y 40.67y
50º JP(e32)Lucas Top Master A 2180 98.0% 4856 2519 561.43y 513.76y 44.50y
51º JP(e32)DG85 Mestre E 4880 94.7% 1109 216 572.90y 389.84y 51.49y
52º -Joe-(e27) Top Master A 2833 90.1% 1291 382
Does not have guild
559.64y 371.66y 40.82y
53º HsKa(e32) Top Master A 7018 98.5% 9923 2908 647.63y 513.81y 74.51y
54º Henroo2 Mundial E 8113 90.3% 594 96
Does not have guild
484.40y 371.65y 37.51y
55º Hanafusa Mundial C 9261 92.2% 557 125
Does not have guild
481.09y 381.43y 42.37y
56º GalahaD Mundial A 8463 82.2% 872 113
Does not have guild
491.89y 383.68y 30.67y
57º FooN(e12)SarTa Legend III 190675 96.4% 5782 1430
Does not have guild
579.38y 428.31y 36.77y
58º FooN(e12)OnurbZ Jungle I 20272 96.9% 2964 741
Does not have guild
576.67y 458.18y 44.01y
59º FooN(e12)Anne Mundial E 8483 94.8% 699 134
Does not have guild
422.96y 401.51y 27.03y
60º FH(e27)rMQs Mestre A 5675 94.2% 539 34 439.59y 389.81y 44.10y

Total: 100 registro(s)