
Gather your friends and come for battle

Guilds Database

Logo Name Leader Recruting Situation Members Wins Losses Draws Created Date
19thHole 19th(e29)SteelL Recruting Active 18 1 2 1 16/08/20
19thHole #2 (-e21)KinGIgor Recruting Active 2 0 1 0 01/02/21
Vingance'S- VIN-Scrash-(e44) Recruting Active 1 2 5 1 16/09/17
The Good The(e16)LeGenD Recruting Active 10 0 0 0 27/10/21
Disconnected Maickpc(e54) Recruting Active 4 3 0 0 01/07/21
Guild HeineKen Top(e27)Jeff Recruting Active 1 1 0 0 06/09/21
Heartagram HT(e37)AnnF'y^1 Recruting Active 2 0 1 0 16/05/21
Dark Storm DS(e15)Kindler Recruting Active 2 0 0 0 06/04/21
BarraD1 D1(e30)BlackCoff Recruting Active 2 0 0 0 09/08/21

Total: 89 registro(s)