Ranking by Statistics

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Total: 100 registro(s)

Ranking by Statistics 0.0234s.

Pos Nick Level Exp %PangYa HIOs Albas Guild +Shot +Chip-In +Putt-in
21º (e79)DodgerS Legend V 4747 95.6% 200 86 474.26y 388.19y 26.40y
22º ''LetoDie(e52) Mestre D 4287 91.8% 526 119 570.37y 379.28y 68.09y
23º >>^A"yzaG"yha"yl(e40) Legend V 10754 92.3% 1200 416
Does not have guild
557.40y 389.80y 32.04y
24º 100CoRaCioN(e22) Legend V 17213 89.3% 918 234
Does not have guild
574.83y 428.25y 43.21y
25º 19th(e0)JulioFoz Jungle IV 20881 93.1% 5225 1488 588.75y 458.19y 44.53y
26º 19th(e29)SteelL Jungle V 22415 93.9% 1620 369 541.57y 423.37y 34.76y
27º 276(e16)LeGenD Mundial D 2266 94.4% 750 158
Does not have guild
473.48y 421.89y 29.70y
28º 300(e37)(R) Mundial D 9317 90.9% 1748 537
Does not have guild
570.37y 477.50y 40.58y
29º ADM_Guuui Infinit Legend I 91 75.7% 8 2
Does not have guild
377.69y 377.69y 23.51y
30º allanXandressaS2 Mundial A 2531 87.4% 707 338
Does not have guild
512.75y 379.20y 44.11y
31º AS(e64)TortA Mundial E 3592 94.9% 432 66
Does not have guild
428.10y 389.81y 28.82y
32º BinhO(e37)(R) Mundial D 4376 90.9% 650 16
Does not have guild
464.24y 353.93y 25.16y
33º Bizzarra(e6) Mundial E 269 78.2% 74 42
Does not have guild
387.50y 344.44y 28.47y
34º BomBa Legend III 16894 94.8% 3317 896 576.97y 438.07y 44.06y
35º Bragashow Legend V 381 78.0% 4 0 353.98y 274.43y 14.97y
36º careca Mestre A 1920 90.3% 623 498
Does not have guild
647.39y 395.06y 38.95y
37º CH4V3S(e37) Mundial C 5038 94.8% 533 95
Does not have guild
487.42y 370.87y 25.62y
38º cobrakai(e83) Legend II 674445 78.0% 7673 2922
Does not have guild
575.71y 395.02y 42.82y
39º DiNo(e40) Mestre D 849 89.1% 1087 252
Does not have guild
478.29y 389.73y 38.61y
40º Eric(e5) Mestre E 5377 89.6% 1065 164
Does not have guild
475.34y 381.31y 29.92y

Total: 100 registro(s)