Ranking by Statistics

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Total: 100 registro(s)

Ranking by Statistics 0.0267s.

Pos Nick Level Exp %PangYa HIOs Albas Guild +Shot +Chip-In +Putt-in
21º FooN(e12)SarTa Legend III 190675 96.4% 5782 1430
Does not have guild
579.38y 428.31y 36.77y
22º R.E.D(e16)OoB Legend V 42086 93.7% 5661 1579 578.81y 470.89y 60.10y
23º BomBa Legend III 16894 94.8% 3317 896 576.97y 438.07y 44.06y
24º LfiKa(e27)(R)f Mundial B 6414 95.2% 1089 438
Does not have guild
576.81y 359.99y 41.71y
25º FooN(e12)OnurbZ Jungle I 20272 96.9% 2964 741
Does not have guild
576.67y 458.18y 44.01y
26º The(e3)Tunico Top Master A 11561 96.5% 4310 1107 576.09y 458.19y 43.39y
27º (e51)Erick(e52) Mundial C 663 81.6% 448 283
Does not have guild
575.97y 370.81y 35.08y
28º cobrakai(e83) Legend II 674445 78.0% 7673 2922
Does not have guild
575.71y 395.02y 42.82y
29º 100CoRaCioN(e22) Legend V 17213 89.3% 918 234
Does not have guild
574.83y 428.25y 43.21y
30º TheGooD(e63) Mundial E 1880 91.9% 924 313
Does not have guild
573.53y 385.34y 25.27y
31º JP(e32)DG85 Mestre E 4880 94.7% 1109 216 572.90y 389.84y 51.49y
32º MT(e79)Bi0_XD Mestre E 9774 93.1% 2171 575 571.84y 381.47y 37.83y
33º Sky_Zero(e45) Top Master C 7127 85.9% 1034 258 571.72y 403.62y 38.13y
34º 300(e37)(R) Mundial D 9317 90.9% 1748 537
Does not have guild
570.37y 477.50y 40.58y
35º ''LetoDie(e52) Mestre D 4287 91.8% 526 119 570.37y 379.28y 68.09y
36º RD(e68)Mayckon(R) Mestre B 7082 95.7% 927 278
Does not have guild
570.18y 377.62y 39.88y
37º (e72)zzz Mundial A 14678 96.3% 3050 967 569.47y 458.20y 37.80y
38º The(e32)SinistrO Top Master B 1514 97.2% 4800 969 568.40y 444.68y 32.02y
39º Mr(e0)WiLL Jungle V 7568 97.6% 1389 540
Does not have guild
568.32y 428.28y 32.97y
40º R.E.D(e16)Neto Mundial E 232 97.2% 1980 648 565.64y 458.21y 33.97y

Total: 100 registro(s)