Ranking by Statistics

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Total: 100 registro(s)

Ranking by Statistics 0.0288s.

Pos Nick Level Exp %PangYa HIOs Albas Guild +Shot +Chip-In +Putt-in
21º (e37)GiraFa(e37) Top Master D 5332 88.2% 599 129
Does not have guild
450.74y 395.08y 45.65y
22º (e44)w1k3p(e44) Top Master C 95 92.7% 1446 359 460.16y 423.43y 44.88y
23º (e27)CIda(e75) Mundial D 6820 86.2% 73 28
Does not have guild
589.11y 272.81y 44.62y
24º 19th(e0)JulioFoz Jungle IV 20881 93.1% 5225 1488 588.75y 458.19y 44.53y
25º JP(e32)Lucas Top Master A 2180 98.0% 4856 2519 561.43y 513.76y 44.50y
26º (e29)Bebado(e55) Top Master D 5272 89.6% 939 280 461.57y 403.49y 44.45y
27º allanXandressaS2 Mundial A 2531 87.4% 707 338
Does not have guild
512.75y 379.20y 44.11y
28º FH(e27)rMQs Mestre A 5675 94.2% 539 34 439.59y 389.81y 44.10y
29º BomBa Legend III 16894 94.8% 3317 896 576.97y 438.07y 44.06y
30º SkaanK''(e42) Legend IV 103634 97.1% 5756 2167
Does not have guild
554.21y 421.90y 44.03y
31º FooN(e12)OnurbZ Jungle I 20272 96.9% 2964 741
Does not have guild
576.67y 458.18y 44.01y
32º TDK85(e29)DIGAS Mestre D 217 93.8% 1636 249
Does not have guild
520.89y 381.35y 43.72y
33º The(e16)LeGenD Legend III 392024 98.1% 10024 2142 582.42y 458.19y 43.46y
34º (-e37)Floki(e38) Mestre C 9948 92.0% 757 143
Does not have guild
559.53y 423.36y 43.45y
35º The(e3)Tunico Top Master A 11561 96.5% 4310 1107 576.09y 458.19y 43.39y
36º 100CoRaCioN(e22) Legend V 17213 89.3% 918 234
Does not have guild
574.83y 428.25y 43.21y
37º cobrakai(e83) Legend II 674445 78.0% 7673 2922
Does not have guild
575.71y 395.02y 42.82y
38º (e37)Fflorzinha(R)f Mundial D 90 89.5% 436 75
Does not have guild
560.57y 344.60y 42.75y
39º X"ogum Top Master B 1408 96.1% 1693 302
Does not have guild
468.50y 407.76y 42.70y
40º Hanafusa Mundial C 9261 92.2% 557 125
Does not have guild
481.09y 381.43y 42.37y

Total: 100 registro(s)